Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Happy Place

Where am I? Doing regular meetings with Bizzy Girl and the Design Guru and we are making headway like cra-zay. Hap-pay!

And, I have secured a financially bitesized piece of time with a business coach who felt like a kindred spirit and now I can test her out for CHEAP! Again, Hap-pay!

And this week one of my very, very best friends from my early, early days after I first moved to Philly has found me on Facebook! I have thought of her often and I assumed I'd never find her because I assumed she'd gotten married and who knew what her married name could be? But our 20th high school reunion last year (well, technically it was 2008 but the reunion didn't happen until 2009 - still scary) prompted mega Facebooking of the high school classmates, one person led to another and voila! She's back in my life! Happy, happy, joy, joy. Talk about coming full circle.

I am in a happy place.

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