Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Livin' My Life Like It's Golden

That's me. That's why it's been an INSANE amount of time since I last posted! But I still love you all. Really! I am always amazed by the amount of time I take to do the things I do. When did I last post? Great day! May 15th? Exactly two weeks ago? Has it been THAT long? And what do I have to show for it?

Let's see.

1 - A huge disagreement with Mr. T. that resulted in my not talking to him for about 2 days so that I wouldn't go off any more than I already had. (I wrote about it. I'll re-read it and probably post it since I do write about marriage but what I DO NOT seek to do is scare the singles. Marriage is work and that's all there is to it.)

2 - A huge deal for my business that has had my team and I running at high speed for these past few weeks. Plus, I've been working on a couple of very important jobs for friends of mine - one of whom is getting married - so it's been great in that way. I love to see new puzzles come to life.

3 - A major change in the host for our website. The old people, who were only our people for about 8 months, had to go. Just like in a good marriage, communication in a business relationship is essential and we just weren't talking the same language. Our new people are very promising because one of them is a former co-worker whose work I trust. We're very excited about it. For now, the flash created by the former developers is running but it's inaccurate - another reason to make the change.

4 - I switched to my summer hair. Oh sweet twists. How I missed thee! (Picture to come later.)

5 - I had jury duty last Friday and for the first time ever got out by 10:30 a.m. God gave me a reprieve. He knew I needed a real break and the last THREE times I served I stayed all day just to go home without being picked to serve. Some of you may think I got off but darn it, if I'm going to go anyway, pick me! Pick ME! But I think they have called on me way too often now so it's time to pay close attention. Let this be a notice to myself that I SERVED JURY DUTY ON MAY 25, 2007 and therefore, if I am called again before May 25, 2010, they are harassing me!

6 - Mr. T. and I went to see Son in not one but TWO school productions in the same month and that, like jury duty four times, is above and beyond. The sacrifice? Well, the first one was a 2 1/2 hour production. It had 34 acts, Oh yes, I said 34. Son was in Act 1. That's it. But we stayed for the rest. Aren't we good? Oh yes we are! But it was cute, really. The second show was only about an hour but it was a 5th and 6th grade concert. Son, NOT a 5th or 6th grader, was one of the kids to hold up a sign for the song they sang from The Sound of Music. You know the one. "Do, a deer, a fe-male deer..." He held up "SO" nice and tall. That's my baby. He sang along and came to sit with us when he was done. And yes, we stayed for the whole thing. Has anybody seen my badge of courage?

7 - Mr. T and I also got a little music of the adult variety when we went to see Earth, Wind and Fire in concert at Mohegan Sun. We grooved that night. I learned EWF is one year younger than I am and I am 36. I knew I grew up on the stuff but I had no idea just how intertwined EWF and I were. I only know that the music of the 70's is my father's music and the 80's, of course, is my era and that is the stuff I continue to love more than the music of today. I think it's the feeling that goes along with it, of a peaceful time when all was taken care of and I could really just exist. It was very cool.

That's pretty much my life in a nutshell. Work at my job, work at home, plan for kids' summer vacation - and mine. You know. Life.

And now, I need a little ice cream.


Theresa said...

Sounds like you've been busy. I'm lovin' the Connecticut life! You Nutmeggers know how to be hospitable!

Monica said...

Ah yes. I've thought about your move. It seem the weather has been cooperative for you too! Congratulations! I do hope everyone contniues to be on their best behavior!